
What Infections Can Be Detected with Lab Tests?

We all have seen some infections that show clear symptoms, and we can quickly identify the exact infection type, but there are other infections that are categorized as asymptomatic and show no signs and symptoms or subtle signs. That’s why it is necessary to take a lab test at home. Infections spread fast throughout our body, especially when infections are caused by microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. 

Bacterial and fungal infections are usually transmitted through physical contact with contaminated surfaces, while viral infections are said to be spread through airborne transmission. Lastly, parasite infections get into the body through fluids and other means. With time, various medical advancements have been significantly raised, and they have made healthcare providers capable of diagnosing those asymptomatic infections. 

The laboratory tests hold their importance as they help identify the particular type of pathogen that is the root cause of an infection. Moreover, when you take a lab test at home, the physician can provide you with the most suitable treatment. Laboratory professionals use various samples for analysis, such as urine, blood, stool, and sputum.  

What Infections Can Be Detected with Lab Tests?

Now that you have complete knowledge about the infections and pathogens that cause infections let’s learn about the infections that can be identified with lab tests. 

  1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

One of the most common infections that are reported to occur in many individuals is urinary tract infections (UTIs). People with UTI face symptoms like frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, pelvic pain, and cloudy or bloody urine. Generally, UTIs happen to anyone when their urinary tract is contaminated with bacteria, and we know that bacteria multiply, so they cause an infection in the urinary tract. A urinary analysis helps detect bacteria and other issues in the urine. 

  1. Respiratory Infections

If you or your loved one are experiencing signs like chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, and high-grade fever, these symptoms indicate that one may have respiratory infections. Respiratory infections, such as influenza, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and the common cold, directly affect your respiratory system, and if left untreated, the condition may worsen. Doctors recommend taking a sputum test and chest x-ray in the first place to identify dangerous viruses, bacteria, and pneumonia. 

  1. Blood Infections

There are several types of infections in our body, including blood infections, which spread in the bloodstream and are also known as septicemia. A person having septicemia may feel symptoms like rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, confusion, fever, and chills. In this situation, medical experts recommend taking a CBC blood test to assess the blood cell counts and a blood culture that is highly beneficial in determining the bacteria or fungus causing the blood infection. 

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are life-threatening due to the intensity of their impact on the human body. As the name suggests, these infections are transmitted through sexual contact, during sexual intercourse, or unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted infections include gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis. People with STIs may experience different symptoms based on the STI they have, but they may face common signs like genital discharge, pain during urination, sores, and fatigue. STIs are tested through swab tests of the genital area to detect certain pathogens.

  1. Gastrointestinal Infections

People don’t focus on what they eat, and this negligence leads to food poisoning. Moreover, some individuals have health issues such as gastroenteritis. However, these are categorized as gastrointestinal infections that have adverse effects on the digestive system. Individuals with gastrointestinal infections have been observed to have signs like vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. If you have any kind of gastrointestinal issues, then there is a chance of you having an infection, and it is a good choice to take a stool culture and blood tests to check for bacteria, parasites, and inflammation. 

  1. Skin Infections

Our skin is the largest organ in the body, and it protects our whole body in many ways. However, it is important to take care of your skin as it is sensitive to infections. There are several skin infections, including fungal infections, cellulitis, and impetigo, that affect the skin. These infections cause skin conditions like allergy, redness, pain, itching, blisters, and swelling.  You might be wondering how skin infections are identified; medical takes samples of your skin scrapings or biopsies to find the pathogen that has caused the infection.  

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What is a Lab Test At Home?

In traditional lab testing, people had to visit clinics or laboratories to get the tests, but with the modernization in the medical industry, home healthcare providers have started offering lab testing at home. There are many infections that need to be tested at laboratories, but now you can get those tests done in a relaxed home environment. 

Home lab test providers bring testing kits to your home, collect your sample, and then take it to the laboratories. The samples are then tested under expert supervision to assess the results carefully and closely. After that, the reports are available within a few days as directed by the medical providers. 

However, it is always essential to consult with a medical professional in order to make correct interpretations of test results and provide treatment accordingly. It is highly advantageous to get tested at home, as it provides you with great convenience, accessibility in remote areas, availability at any day and any time, and peace of mind without compromising on quality. 

The Final Words

In short, a lab test at home can be very helpful for diagnosing various infections in the body earlier. This is an excellent way as when you get tested, it becomes easy for the doctor to give correct and effective treatment and medications to cope with the specific type of infections present in the body. Furthermore, early treatment can save you from complications and stop the spread of those infections. So, if you or your loved one or someone you know may have an infection, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare expert for appropriate treatment and evaluation.  

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